Iran Leader blasts Western hypocrisy on Israeli war against Gaza

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has hit out at Western hypocrisy on the Israeli war against Gaza, saying it has now become evident that the West’s claims on human rights are lies.

“The Westerners, who kick up a fuss over the execution of a criminal, turn a blind eye to the killing of some 30,000 innocent people in Gaza, and the United States shamelessly, and for multiple times, vetoes [UN Security Council] resolutions on ending bombardments in Gaza,” added Ayatollah Khamenei on Saturday.

“This is the true colors of the Western culture, civilization and liberal democracy, which embody politicians who are well-dressed with smiles on their faces, but who are rapid dogs and bloodthirsty wolves within,” explained the Leader.

“We are confident that this Western-style civilization is a nonstarter as cheats never prosper, and the culture of good as well as the right logic of Islam will win over all of these,” he added.

Ayatollah Khamenei further said the resistance of people of Gaza against hardships and Israeli bombardments is a sign of their strong religious faith.

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