Houthi leader says US, UK, Israel cannot break will of Yemenis to continue supporting Gaza

The leader of Yemen’s Houthi movement has stated the rising aggression by the “evil trio” of the United States, the United Kingdom and Israel against the Arab country will not affect the determination of Yemeni people to support Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip.

Abdul-Malik al-Houthi praised the valor of Yemeni people in the fight against the global arrogance and threats from hegemonic powers, saying, “Our nation today is a very great nation with the most important geographical locations, which enjoys very enormous economic resources”, but it has been shackled.

He underscored Yemen’s firm stance on supporting Palestinians in Gaza by launching retaliatory attacks on Israeli-tied shipping in the Red Sea despite rising aggression by the US and its allies against the Arab country.

“The United States terrorizes most of countries, most of their leaders, and most of their armies with the language of threat or intimidation. What is the position of our Islamic nation in comparison with the Arab world and elsewhere, who are hundreds of millions, regarding what is happening today in Palestine?” Houthi underlined.

“Our beloved people, despite the fact that after the aggression that lasted nine years and has not ended yet, took a distinguished position,” he added.

“We set out to confront the evil trio of America, Israel, and Britain, and we are ready for the sacrifice and are confident of victory.”

Stressing that Yemen is a free country, which cannot be influenced by US hegemony or authority, the Houthi chief stated, “If we had been followers of treason and connivance, the Americans and the British would not have carried out the aggression against us.”

Houthi added, “No matter what the evil trio does, it will not affect our position and will not break the will of our people,” noting, “The Americans are trying to camouflage their ships by putting the flags of another country on them and fleeing like the Israelis do.”

The leader of Yemeni movement also stressed, “They must stop the war on Gaza and bring in medicine and food; otherwise, we will seek escalation.”

Houthi reiterated that the Yemeni people will continue all their activities within the framework of their right to defend themselves and their stance to support Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Yemenis have declared their open support for Palestine’s struggle against the Israeli occupation since the regime launched a devastating war on Gaza on October 7 after the territory’s Palestinian resistance movements carried out a surprise retaliatory attack, dubbed Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, against the occupying entity.

Yemeni Armed Forces have stressed that they won’t stop their attacks until unrelenting Israeli ground and aerial offensives in Gaza, which have killed at least 27,585 people and wounded another 67,000 individuals, come to an end.

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