Wedding traditions of Turkmens in Iran (PHOTOS)

Snapshots of a Turkmen wedding party in Iran.

A dream success story you don’t wanna miss

How a chance encounter has helped a villager in southern Iran set up a very lucrative business with a still brighter future ahead.

Sepandarmazgan, Persian Feast to Respect Women, Earth, Life

Iranians celebrate Sepandarmazgan in which women, the Earth and life which all have one thing in common – reproduction – are respected and praised.

Kerman holds biggest Zoroastrian Sadeh Festival

The mid-winter festival celebrated 50 days before the Persian New Year marks the approach of spring and displays the defeat of the forces of darkness, frost and cold.

Persian Gulf archeological excavations in progress

Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts, and Tourism Department in Hormuzgan province is conducting vital archeological excavations in the coastal regions of the Persian Gulf and its hinterlands, said the director general of the department.

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