
Iranian Culture Week to be held in Tunisia

As part of efforts to boost cultural ties, Tehran is to organize a cultural event in Tunis.

How humans react to art has nothing to do with nationality

Mahmoud Farshchian, a household name in Iranian painting, says nationality plays no role in the way people treat arts.

Canvas of Peace was unveiled in Isfahan

Teenagers in Isfahan are to paint images of war victims on an enormous canvas on the sidelines of a children’s film festival.

Iran artists works displayed at Art Expo Malaysia

The longest-running art fair in Southeast Asia, the Art Expo Malaysia (AEM) has hosted the works by five Iranian artists.

Iranian children to draw paintings for the disabled

Iranian children to draw paintings to show disability is no limit.

Paintings of self-taught artists to go on display at Sa’dabad Palace

Sa’dabad Palace, which now serves as a museum, is to host an exhibition of paintings by self-taught artists.

Enamel; Ancient Handicraft Invented by Iranians

A handicraft as old as 5 millenniums, enamel has still remained popular and magnificent. Being called Meenakari in Iran, the art's hub in the country is Isfahan.

Photoshopped sketch or photo?

A row over the copyright of a sketch image proves that professional ethics is essential to healthy competition.

Iranian carpet-weaver replaces loom with canvas

Monavar Ramezani, a veteran Iranian carpet-weaver, takes up painting and proves successful in the new gig.

Paintings that are a nostalgia trip for many Iranians

A discontinued car model is a fixture of the paintings by young Iranian painter Hossein Soltani.

Women helped develop arts

An Arts expert admits women have contributed a lot to the development of arts in post-revolution Iran.

A tour of the largest private arts museum in Iran

Saba Museum owned by Pasargad Bank is home to precious works of arts.

Iran anti-war photos exhibited in French museum

Iranian photographer Gohar Dashti’s works have been showcased at the anti-war photo exhibition in France.

Hormuz Island to host next GNAP

Hormuz Island in the Persian Gulf will host the Global Nomadic Art Project (GNAP) in 2015, said an environmental artist.

Persian carpet registered as worldˈs intellectual property

Five brands of Iranian hand-woven carpets have been registered as the worldˈs intellectual property, the head of Iranˈs National Carpet Center announced.

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