Army training jet crashes “leaving 3 dead”

A training jet of the Iranian Army’s Air Force has crashed in the northern city of Tabriz, reportedly killing three people. The F-5 fighter jet crashed, due to “technical faults” in its systems, near Tabriz International Airport in the northwestern side of the city.

An investigation is underway to determine the exact cause of the incident.
According to the managing director of Tabriz Red Crescent Society, the aircraft hit the wall of an empty school upon its crash, leaving the pilots and a person, who was driving in his car, dead.
But officials of the army are yet to confirm the deaths of the pilots.
Army training jet crashes “leaving 3 dead”

Army training jet crashes “leaving 3 dead”

Army training jet crashes “leaving 3 dead”

Army training jet crashes “leaving 3 dead”

Army training jet crashes “leaving 3 dead”

Army training jet crashes “leaving 3 dead”

Army training jet crashes “leaving 3 dead”

Army training jet crashes “leaving 3 dead”

Army training jet crashes “leaving 3 dead”

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