Iranian analyst: Israeli PM speech at UN ‘deceitful, shameful’

A renowned Iranian political analyst believes that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech at the United Nations General Assembly on Friday was a ‘deceitful and shameful display of playing the innocent.’

Ahmad Zeidabadi, a reformist analyst mostly focusing on Middle Eastern issues, in his Telegram channel censured the Israeli premier for his speech about Gaza and Lebanon which “was completely warlike and devoid of any softness.”

He slammed Netanyahu for not even mentioning “the continued occupation of the West Bank, the establishment of Jewish settlements in this area and the violation of the Palestinians’ rights, about which there is a complete consensus in the international community.”

Zeidabadi also raised the alarm for Iranians, warning, “Meanwhile, Netanyahu disclosed his final destination in the region. He specifically targeted Tehran. Apparently, his ultimate goal is to spread the fire of the war to Iran.” He was referring to the Israeli assassination of the Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran on July 31.

Addressing the annual gathering, a belligerent Netanyahu said, “There is no place no place in Iran that the long arm of Israel cannot reach and that’s true of the entire Middle East.”

Scores of diplomats walked out on his speech at the UN to protest against the bloodbath in Gaza and the carnage in Lebanon

In another post on the regional developments, Zeidabadi blamed the international community’s silence, writing, “The situation on the surface shows Netanyahu’s rebellion and self-indulgence in his attack on Lebanon, but there is a sense of coordination and perhaps agreement between him and many countries in this regard.”

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