Saturday, July 6, 2024

Leader advisor: Iran to support Lebanon’s Hezbollah militarily in case of Israel attacks

Former Iranian foreign minister and a senior advisor to the Leader of Iran's Islamic Revolution has warned Israel against opening a new battlefront against Hezbollah resistance movement in Lebanon.

Kamal Kharrazi, the Chairman of Iran’s Strategic Council on Foreign Relations, told Financial Times on Monday that Iran would use ‘all means’ to support Hezbollah if Israel launches a full-blown war.

He said Iran is not interested in a regional war and has urged the US to put pressure on Israel to prevent further escalation, but added it would back Hezbollah militarily in the event of a full conflict.

Kharrazi warned, “All Lebanese people, Arab countries, and members of the Axis of Resistance will support Lebanon against Israel.”

The top Iranian advisor further said the expansion of the war in the whole region is likely but “is not in the interest of anyone – not Iran or the US.”

In other comment, Kharrazi expressed hope that the presidential election in Iran is an opportunity for new rapprochement with the West.

He voiced Iran’s willingness to hold indirect talks with Washington on Tehran’s nuclear program under the new administration if it would lead to the US re-joining the Iran nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

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