Turkey: US should accept acquisition of Russia’s S-400 completed matter

The United States must accept the fact that Ankara’s purchase of S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems from Russia is a completed matter, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu stated in an interview with NTV.

“The US should accept that this [the acquisition of the Russian missile system] is a closed subject,” the Turkish top diplomat stressed, answering the question about the crisis in relations between Ankara and Washington.

In 2017, Russia and Turkey signed a contract for the supply of the S-400 missile system to Ankara. Turkey was the first NATO country to acquire these systems from Russia. 

Ankara’s decision triggered a backlash from Washington and the entire alliance. The US has not abandoned its efforts to try to make Turkey back away from using Russian air defense systems, in particular, excluding Ankara from the US F-35 production program. 

However, Turkey’s leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan noted last October that Ankara would stick to its decision, despite pressure from Washington. The Turkish president also rejected threats of sanctions, suggesting that the US should try to impose them in reality.

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