Traditional Iranian Medicine

About the nature and benefits of yoghurt in the Iranian traditional medicine

All recommendations in Iranian traditional medicine are based on modifying one’s nutritional pattern. Many medications in Iranian medicine are made according to the properties of foods and natural substances. Meanwhile, many precautions devised by traditional medicine practitioners have been formed by knowing the medical rules of the properties, advantages and disadvantages of each food.

8 ways to determine temperaments in Iranian traditional medicine

Iranian traditional medicine tells us that it is necessary to study the physical characteristics of people if we are supposed to determine their temperaments.

Tips of traditional Iranian medicine and healthy lifestyles for people with different temperaments

Temperament in traditional Iranian medicine is a key concept for the purpose of defining human health and disease, and in simple terms, according to this philosophy, every being, whether animate or inanimate, is composed of elements that count as raw materials with different qualities and in different proportions.

Temperament in traditional Iranian medicine

Temperament (Humorism) is a method in traditional Iranian medicine to correct an individual’s lifestyle and prevent diseases. There are different ways to identify a person’s humor. Once they have identified a patient’s humor, traditional medicine experts can offer ways to prevent or treat diseases in that patient that are compatible with that individual’s humor and bodily condition.

Traditional Iranian medicine: A solution for a healthy lifestyle

Traditional Iranian medicine is a world class medical school that dates back thousands of years. Despite the adjective “traditional” with which its name is associated, Iranian medicine, like other sciences, is completely consistent with scientific and experimental foundations.

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