Leader: Israel’s situation shows Palestine resistance on ‘right path’

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the Israeli regime’s troubles show the Palestinian groups are treading the “right path” in their campaign against occupation.

Ayatollah Khamenei held a meeting with Ziyad al-Nakhaleh, the leader of the Gaza-based Islamic Jihad resistance movement.

“The Zionist regime is now in a state of passivity. The heads of the Zionist regime are rightly concerned about a failure to see the 80th [anniversary] of the regime’s [existence],” he said.

The Leader described the key to a successful fight against Israel as “ever-increasing power in the West Bank.”

He congratulated the Islamic Jihad for its victory in the recent military conflict with Israel.

“Today, the Zionist enemy is in a position of passivity and reaction, and this situation shows that the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and resistance groups have correctly identified the path and are moving forward in this direction, the Leader said.

“The Islamic Jihad of Palestine passed a test very well in the recent battle of Gaza, and now the conditions for the Zionist regime have changed compared to seventy years ago. The Zionist leaders have the right to worry about not seeing this regime for eighty years,” he said.

The Leader appreciated the Palestinian resistance groups for “unity of action” in the political and military arenas, reaffirming Iran’s support for the Palestinian people and resistance groups.

For his part, the senior Palestinian resistance leader expressed gratitude for Iran’s unwavering support for Palestine and its struggles.

Nakhaleh offered a report on the recent developments in occupied Palestine, especially the defeat of the Zionist regime in the 5-day war in Gaza, as well as the conditions in the West Bank and the superiority of the resistance groups in this region.

Islamic Jihad “came out of the war in Gaza proudly and we hope to see the final victory and the liberation of Quds Sharif soon,” he said.

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