Japanese ambassador to Tehran slams Russian onslaught on Ukraine 

Japanese Ambassador to Tehran Ikawa Kazutoshi has strongly criticized the Russian attack on Ukraine, saying Russia’s behavior poses a threat to the world security. He underlined that Tokyo stands by the people of Ukraine. Kazutoshi urged Iranian officials to also stand by the people of Ukraine.

He noted that Russia’s onslaught on Ukraine is a breach of the UN Charter and it’s unforgivable.

Kazutoshi said Russia should observe neighborliness rules in dealing with its neighbors, but, unfortunately, it does not do.

The comments come as Iran has repeatedly reaffirmed its opposition to the war in Ukraine, saying it does not side with either of the warring sides.

In other comments, Kazutoshi further spoke about North Korea. He said the North’s threats against Japan are real. According to the Japanese ambassador, North Korea fired 31 ballistic missiles toward the Sea of Japan last year and it did 11 ballistic missiles in 2023 as well.

He described North Korea as one of the biggest security threats to Japan.

“Our assessment is that North Korea has acquired the know-how of making small nukes that can be put on ballistic missiles”, Kazutoshi said.

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