IRGC Chief: US presence in region inflicts insecurity and instability

The chief commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami says the Americans bring about insecurity and instability wherever they are.

In a meeting with Iraqi Defense Minister Thabet Muhammad Saeed al-Abbasi in Tehran on Monday, Salami said unlike Iran, which wants a strong Iraq, the Americans and the Zionists want to dominate the region and create insecurity inside Iran and Iraq.

“Wherever the Americans are, there is insecurity,” he continued, adding, “It is the oppressed people who are paying the heavy price of the Americans’ profiteering. Iran’s rationale for the expulsion of the Americans from the region is based on this.”

Salami also stressed that the Muslim Ummah, especially the Iranian nation, views as unacceptable the thirst of trans-regional powers for control over Iraq’s security order and their conspiracies to disintegrate the Arab country.

The IRGC, he noted, stands ready to play an effective role in training the Iraqi armed forces in addition to advisory assistance and the exchange of experience in the counter-terrorism battle.

Abbasi, for his part, appreciated the support of Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei and the Iranian nation for the fight against Daesh in Iraq.

Speaking at a meeting with al-Abbasi in Tehran on Sunday, Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Baqeri said the two countries are engaged in joint activities to fight terrorism.

“The situation in the region requires that Iran and Iraq work together to ensure security because the two countries are facing common threats,” he stated.

World powers, he continued, created the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group to wrest control over regional states, but the plot failed due to cooperation between the Iranian and Iraqi nations and warriors.

The top general also added many Iranians were martyred in the path of bringing about security for Iraq. He described Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, senior Iranian and Iraqi anti-terror commanders who were assassinated by the US in 2020, as a symbol of the Tehran-Baghdad unity and brotherhood.

Led by Lieutenant General Soleimani, Iranian military advisers rushed to the aid of the Iraqi armed forces when Daesh unleashed its campaign of terror in the Arab country in 2014. They helped Iraqi forces reverse Daesh’s gains and ultimately liberate the entire homeland from the US-sponsored terror outfit some three years later.

Abbasi, for his part, said the Iraqi government needs the help of friendly countries such as Iran to overcome challenges.

He further noted that Iraq can use Iran’s experience as a pioneer in the field of overhauling and redesigning defense and weaponry infrastructure.

Iran’s Army Chief Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi also met with the Iraqi defense minister, warning against reliance on the West for the security of regional countries.

“Western states enter other countries under the [pretext] of creating security, but they have no objective but to plunder their wealth,” Mousavi said.

“Regional security should be established by regional countries themselves and through reliance on the capacities of the region and its nations,” he added.

Mousavi also emphasized that Iran regards Iraq’s stability as its own and will spare no efforts toward Iraq’s development and security.

“The enemies of Iran, Iraq, and Islam are not satisfied with the closeness and brotherhood between the two countries. They are doing all kinds of conspiracies and evil things in both Iraq and Iran to destroy this closeness,” he said.

“However, these mischievous acts have no effect on our relations with and deep feelings toward you, and we are ready to take greater steps towards deepening the brotherhood and friendship,” he told the Iraqi defense minister.

Abbasi, for his part, appreciated Iran’s endeavors and sacrifices in the fight against the Takfiri terrorist groups.

He further stated that no obstacle can damage cordial Iran-Iraq relations, expressing hope for the expansion of ties.

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