Iran says Haniyeh assassination to consolidate unbreakable bonds with Palestine

The Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Nasser Kanaani, says the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political bureau of the Palestinian Islamic resistance movement Hamas in Tehran will consolidate the bonds between the Islamic Republic and Palestine.

Kanaani offered condolences on the martyrdom of proud Mujahid Ismail Haniyeh, to the great nation of Palestine, the Hamas movement and all Palestinian resistance factions, as well as all nations and states supporting the Palestinian cause.

Haniyeh and one of his bodyguards were killed in an attack on the residence of the Hamas leader’s residence in Tehran on Wednesday morning.

Kanaani noted a probe is underway by the relevant institutions of the Islamic Republic of Iran to find out the dimensions and details of the incident.

He said, “Undoubtedly, the pure blood of the indefatigable mujahid, who spent all his life in the honorable fight and struggle against the usurping Zionist regime and in the path of liberating Holy al-Quds and the oppressed Palestinian nation from the clutches of the Zionist occupiers, will not go in vain.”

The spokesperson of the Iranian diplomatic apparatus stressed, “The martyrdom of our Mujahid brother, Ismail Haniyeh, in Tehran, will reinforce the deep and unbreakable bonds between the Islamic Republic of Iran and dear Palestine and resistance.”

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