Analyst: Turkey provokes Azerbaijan into war with Armenia on behalf of Israel

Iran’s ex-ambassador to Baku highlights the role of Turkey in the recent military tensions between Azerbaijan and Armenia, saying Ankara provokes Baku into a war against its neighbor on behalf of the Israeli regime.

Mohsen Pak-Aein, in an interview with ILNA, said Turkey played the biggest role in the outbreak of a new wave of deadly border clashes between Azerbaijan and Armenia and had openly declared it would stand by Baku in the conflict.

Ankara’s position amounts to blatant interference in the affairs of Armenia and runs country to the Nagorno-Karabakh armistice agreement, which ended a weeks-long war between the two sides in 2020, he said.

The commentator said Ankara’s provocative moves took place under the direction of Tel Aviv, which is not able to get involved in the case directly.

The reason for such a policy is also “crystal clear,” he explained.

“The more tensions in the Caucasus and the broader region, the easier the regime can sell its arms to Azerbaijan.”

At the same time, he added, both Israel and Turkey are covertly pursuing normalization with Armenia, which is indicative of their hypocrisy.

The clashes, which broke out on Tuesday morning, left 135 Armenian and 71 Azeri troops dead and displaced thousands of civilians in the affected areas.

Yerevan reported on Thursday that the two sides had reached a ceasefire agreement a day earlier.

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