Accountability and Transparency

Officials Join Social Media Campaign against Nepotism in Iran

Several Iranian officials have responded to the social media campaign #Where_Is_Your_Child, which aims to shed light on nepotism that some believe plagues the country and is partly to blame for rampant corruption and mismanagement.

Iranian Anti-Corruption NGO Launches Petition Website

The Iranian corruption watchdog Justice and Transparency Watch has launched a petition website aimed at enabling the 80-million nation to issue demands from the government and other state organs.

Iran Working on Plan to Oblige Officials to Restitute Ill-Gotten Gains

An Iranian lawmaker has expressed support for a plan which calls for the restitution of the properties illegally gained by Iranian officials.

Top Iranian Cleric Urges Officials to Stay Away from Aristocracy

A representative of Iran’s Leader has urged authorities to distance themselves from aristocracy and lead a simple life, and remain open to criticism even if they are the Leader’s representative.

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