Ebrahim Ayoubi, lawyer, in an analysis published by Asriran news website on Monday, notes that the plan aimed to transform Iran into a developed nation with regional leadership in economic, scientific, and technological domains, but challenges in politics, economy, society, and culture have hindered progress.
Politically, the vision sought to establish Iran as a model of Islamic democracy and a constructive global player. However, declining voter turnout, regional tensions, and strained relations with the West highlight unmet aspirations.
Economically, the plan envisioned Iran as a regional leader with social welfare and technological advances. Instead, the national currency has lost nearly 100 times its value against the dollar, while unemployment and environmental issues persist.
Socially, the plan aimed for a cohesive, proud, and just society. Yet, rising youth emigration, widespread smuggling, and judicial inefficiencies reflect growing dissatisfaction.
Culturally, efforts to preserve Persian language and values have struggled against the influence of social media and foreign terminology.
The assessment agues the absence of a new vision plan suggests a recognition of past shortcomings.
As Iran enters Persian New Year 1404, the unmet goals underscore the need for realistic strategies and effective governance to address the country’s complex challenges in the decades ahead.