Hamas says destroyed 1,000 Israeli military vehicles in past 100 days of Gaza war

The Palestinian movement Hamas says its fighters have destroyed or disabled hundreds of Israeli military vehicles over the 100 days since the start of Tel Aviv's military operation in the Gaza Strip.

Abu Obaida, the spokesman for al-Qassam Brigades, which is Hamas’ military wing, made the announcement in a statement on Sunday.

“During these 100 days, we have destroyed or rendered out of service about 1,000 Zionist military vehicles that had infiltrated the Gaza Strip in its north, center, and south,” he said.

The regime began its brutal military aggression following Operation al-Aqsa Storm by Gaza Strip-based resistance movements. Its genocidal war has killed nearly 24,000 Palestinians so far, most of them women and children, while leaving over 60,000 others injured.

The spokesperson confirmed that the brigades have conducted “hundreds of successful military operations” throughout the past 100 days, adding that the battle against the occupation forces “is expanding day after day and is burning this enemy and all those who supported and assisted it”.

Abu Obaida also scoffed at the Israeli regime’s claims about alleged gains during its military aggression on Gaza.

“The alleged achievements that the enemy announces about controlling or destroying what it calls weapons depots, ready-to-launch missile platforms, and kilometers of tunnels are ridiculous…and the day will come when we prove that these claims are false.”

Abu Obaida also rejected any prospect of negotiations with the Israel regime before a complete and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, saying, “Any talks before stopping the Israeli aggression are worthless.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, Abu Obaida reflected on the situation of Israeli captives in the Gaza Strip.

He asserted that “the fate of many enemy captives has become unknown in recent weeks … due to the Zionist aggression and most likely, many of them have been killed”.

“The rest [of Israeli captives] remain in imminent and significant danger every hour, and the enemy bears full responsibility for their safety,” he continued.

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