Latest Politics News in Iran – News and views from the world of politics in Iran and the region, including government, Parliament, foreign affairs, defence and more.
A senior Iranian official has reaffirmed the Islamic Republic’s “all-out support” for the Lebanese political movements and groups, expressing Tehran’s preparedness to help Lebanon fight terrorist groups.
The Iranian defense minister has reaffirmed the Islamic Republic’s readiness to offer military aid to the Lebanese army in its fight against terrorism.
A senior Iranian commander says the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has evidence proving that terrorists have infiltrated into Iran from the neighboring Pakistan.
The German Foreign Ministry spokesman says Berlin "is still hopeful" that Iran and P5+1 could arrive at a final nuclear deal by the November 24 deadline.
Iran and Russia have held a new round of consultations on bilateral cooperation in the area of nuclear energy in the Iranian capital, Tehran, the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom says.
Iran has been prepared for all scenarios regarding the potential outcomes of negotiations with six world powers over Tehran’s nuclear energy program, an Iranian intelligence official says.
Iran has rejected as baseless recent remarks by the head of the [Persian] Gulf Cooperation Council ([P]GCC), who accused the Islamic Republic of meddling in the affairs of Arab states.
Iran and six world powers have held a new round of talks in Vienna to discuss the outstanding issues over Tehran's nuclear energy program as part of efforts to reach a final accord.
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says Tehran and the P5+1 countries are moving towards resolving their differences and reaching a final agreement on the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program.
The German ambassador to Iran says investment in Iran carries weight for European countries, Germany in particular, stressing that Iran and the West should not lose the opportunity which has arisen for nuclear talks.
Russian nuclear negotiator, Sergei Ryabkov, says conclusion of a sustainable deal over Iran’s nuclear program should be put before efforts to meet a November 24 deadline.
A SAVAK document has sheds light on Iran-Israel military ties before the 1979 revolution saying that back then Israel supported Iran's development of nuclear weapons.
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, European Union foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, and US Secretary of State John Kerry have begun talks in the Austrian capital, Vienna, on Tehran's nuclear energy program.
Iran has kept a close eye on ISIL militants and is watching what their elements are doing inside and outside Iran, says Intelligence Minister Seyyed Mahmoud Alavi.
Iran’s Foreign Ministry has slammed the terror attack on Tuesday in Baghdad which has claimed at least 21 lives, calling for serious fight against terrorism in the region.
Iran's foreign minister says the new round of talks with six world powers in Vienna can further pave the way for a final deal to be reached on Tehran’s nuclear energy program, vowing all-out efforts to resolve existing problems.