Esmaeil Baqaei wrote on his X social media account on Friday, “After Nowruz and Sadeh, Mehregan has been registered as the third Iranian ritual by UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.”
Baqaei expressed his congratulations, stating that the Mehregan Festival symbolizes the kindness and tolerance of the Iranian people.
He highlighted the importance of reviving and preserving the cultural, civilizational, and human connections among the region’s nations.
Baqaei also hailed the inscription as a symbol of cooperation between Tajikistan and Iran to preserve and promote their shared historical, civilizational, and cultural heritage.
Mehregan, rooted in Zoroastrian traditions, is held every year from October 2 to November 2 that symbolizes the end of the harvest season and the start of autumn to express gratitude to God for granting livelihood.