Zelensky should think about Putin’s peace proposal, Kiev’s situation worsening: Moscow

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov believes that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky should think about Russian leader Vladimir Putin's peace proposal because the military situation for Kiev is worsening.

“At one time, Zelensky came to power under the banner of peace and the intention to establish peace, to save Ukraine. He always said that he did not hold on to the chair, he always said that he was ready to do anything for the sake of his Motherland. Let’s see if he is ready for anything so as not to further worsen the situation,” Peskov said an interview with VGTRK journalist Pavel Zarubin.

Peskov stressed that “every time Putin voices peace initiatives and when attempts are made to enter the political and diplomatic channel, there are certain conditions on the ground, each time they worsen for Ukraine”.

“The current dynamics of the state of affairs on the fronts clearly shows us that it will continue to worsen for Ukrainians. Probably, a politician who puts the interests of the Motherland above his own and even above his masters would think about such a proposal. Let’s see what happens,” the Kremlin official added.

Peskov noted that negotiations with Ukraine are possible, but their outcome must be approved by the legitimate Ukrainian authorities. Zelensky does not belong to this category, Peskov stated. According to him, Zelensky is “not the person with whom you can record an agreement in writing, because de jure this recording will be illegitimate”.

“Nevertheless, Putin does not reject anything. He does not reject the possibility of negotiations. There are legitimate bodies there in accordance with the country’s constitution,” Peskov stated.

He also added that “negotiations are usually carried out by expert people, but the results of negotiations are recorded by legitimate authorities.

Speaking about the results of possible negotiations with Kiev, Peskov drew attention to the fact that they will require a system of guarantees for trust.

“Agreements on paper are the result of very complex expert negotiations, this is a balance of interests and, of course, taking into account the realities on the ground. And this time this will also be the case,” the Kremlin official said. This is how he answered the question of journalist Pavel Zarubin about trust in the agreements that could be reached with the Kiev authorities.

Peskov pointed out that “there is a system of guarantees in the field of security and on all other issues”.

“It is a very complex system to develop this system of guarantees in order to ensure the implementation of agreements, but nevertheless, if the Kiev regime somehow shows sobriety, then this will have to be done,” the press secretary of the Russian President stressed.

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