Over %50 of Americans unhappy with congress voting $61bn to Ukraine

A total of 51% of Americans disapprove of the decision by the US House of Representatives to support President Joe Biden's $61 billion aid package for Ukraine, while only 39% think otherwise, the Daily Express US has reported, citing a poll conducted by the Washington-based Democracy Institute.

As for the US president’s policy regarding the Ukraine conflict, 60% of Americans disapprove it versus just 27% who support it, the survey also revealed.

The poll has been conducted among 1,500 US voters. The margin of error has not been specified.

President Joe Biden signed a new $95 billion funding package on Wednesday, under which Ukraine is slated to receive $48 billion in weapons and other assistance, while another $23 billion will be used to replenish the Pentagon’s depleted stocks.

In a phone call on Monday, Biden assured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that his administration would “quickly provide significant new security assistance packages” to Kiev as soon as the Senate passes the national security supplemental and he signs it into law.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has stressed that the US’s new military aid package for Kiev would not change the situation on the battlefield and would only increase Ukraine’s military losses.

Also a Rasmussen Reports poll has found around a half of US voters believe their country is wasting taxpayer dollars on supporting foreign partners such as Israel and Ukraine.

Some 57% of respondents said the US government is spending “too much” on foreign aid, according to a survey of 1,126 likely voters conducted on April 16-18.

Even before the latest aid cleared procedural hurdles, some 47% said it was “too much”, while around 20% wanted Washington to spend even more.

As for US aid to Israel, 49% of respondents said the $14 billion intended for the country under the new package was either “about right” or “not enough”.

A CBS News/YouGov survey conducted earlier this month also showed waning public support for arming Kiev. Just 53% of US adults believe the government should give military aid to Ukraine, down from 72% two years ago.

Support for Ukraine aid was highest (72%) among Americans who believe the US has a “responsibility to promote democracy” across the world. Among those who see no such obligation, only 28% believe Washington should give military aid to Ukraine.

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