Sabah Zanganeh

Canada’s Sale of Iran Assets Aimed at Appeasing Trump: Analyst

An expert on international law says Canada’s move to sell Iranian-owned properties in the country was an attempt to curry favour with US President Donald Trump.

“Saudi Arabia Incites Morocco to Sever Ties with Iran”

Iran’s former ambassador to the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) says Riyadh is behind Rabat’s recent move to cut relations with Tehran, and will likely provoke other Arab countries to follow Morocco’s lead in the near future.

“Trump’s Strategy of Gaining Concessions to Grip All Countries”

A senior political analyst has called on the EU to reinforce its independent role vis-à-vis the US, warning that Trump’s policy of gaining concessions will spill over to all countries, especially Europe.

Hariri’s Interview Just Like Confession under Torture: Analyst

A senior political commentator says Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s recent interview in Saudi Arabia was like making confessions under torture.

‘Zarif’s Visits to Oman, Qatar Giant Step towards Promotion of Ties’

A senior political analyst says there exists great potential to upgrade Tehran’s relations with Doha and Muscat, and the Iranian foreign minister’s recent visits to the two Arab capitals can help Tehran tap into the potentialities.

Iraqi Kurdistan’s Separation Unlikely to Happen: Analyst

A senior political analysts says the Iraqi Kurdistan region will not secede from the Arab country, and the main objective is to mend the autonomous region’s relations with Baghdad.

Iraq’s Political Parties Need Sea Changes: Analyst

A political commentator has discussed the latest developments in Iraqi parties, saying the Arab country’s political landscape requires drastic changes.

Internal Struggle Imminent in Saudi Royal Family: Analyst

With the elevation of Mohammad bin Salman to the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, the Saudi family will get involved in a fierce internal struggle, says an Iranian expert on Middle East affairs.

“Radical Ideology to Survive in Mideast Even after ISIS”

With the recent achievements of the Iraqi forces and Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) in their fight against ISIS terrorists in Iraq, it seems the days of ISIS are numbered in Iraq. But does it mean the region will finally get rid of radical ideologies?

No Need for Syrian Army to Use Chemicals: Analyst

A Middle East expert rejects the accusations that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons in the city of Idlib.

Syria Gov’t, Opposition Keen to End Conflict: Analyst

A senior political commentator believes that all parties to the ongoing conflict in Syria, including the Assad government and the opposition groups, have the will to the end the six-year war.

What Prompts Saudi FM to Make Landmark Visit to Iraq

Sabah Zanganeh, a senior Middle East expert, has discussed the reasons behind Saudi foreign minister’s surprise visit to Iraq.

Analyst Describes Syria Peace Talks in Astana as a Step Forward

A senior Middle East expert says the recent Syria peace talks held in the Kazakh capital of Astana were a positive move in handling the Syrian issue.

Aleppo Peace Talks Lead Nowhere without Iran’s Intervention

A former Iranian diplomat says the parties to the agreement on Aleppo were not able to deal with rebels if Iran didn’t intervene in the peace talks.

Saudi Arabia Has No Choice but to Revise Its Iran Policies: Analyst

Sabah Zanganeh, a senior Middle East analyst, believes that Riyadh has no choice but to change its regional policies, and Oman can play an important role as a mediator to moderate Saudi Arabia’s policies towards Iran.

American Arms Fanning Flames of Regional Tensions: Analyst

An Iranian political analyst says the US is fueling regional instability by selling arms to several Arabic countries now that President Barack Obama is spending his final days in office.

There’s Nothing Pleasing about Washington’s Anti-Saudi Law: Iranian Analyst

An Iranian Middle East expert believes that the recent law passed by the US against Saudi Arabia, known as JASTA, would set a dangerous precedent for the world, and Iran should not be happy about it.

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