Ali Mousavi Khalkhali

Ali Mousavi Khalkhali is an Iranian journalist, translator who has written on Iranian foreign policy and world issues since 2005. He is now editor-in-chief of "Iranian Diplomacy" website.

Jordan Following US Dictates on Iran to Get Brownie Points

Fearful of US National Security Advisor John Bolton, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, Jordan is acting against Iran to get brownie points.

Baghdad’s Silence on Israeli Raids against Iraqi Soil Raises Eyebrows

Baghdad has laid the groundwork for confrontation among regional countries by allowing Israel to conduct attacks on the Iraqi soil. The question that arises here is, has the Iraqi government abandoned neutrality?

Why Shinzo Abe’s Iran Visit Turned into Failure

It's been three weeks since the visit of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to Tehran. However, observers are still wondering why the historic visit did not yield any desirable achievement.

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