‘Blue’ returns to most regions on Iran’s color-coded Covid tracking map

Official figures show ‘blue’ or ‘normal situation’ in terms of infections with coronavirus has returned to most areas in Iran, as the virus recedes countrywide.

According to the latest updates released by the Iranian Health Ministry on Friday, 357 cities in Iran are currently classified as “blue,” while 90 cities are “yellow” with a “moderate risk” of infection.

Only one city is categorized as “orange” where there is a “high risk” of infection. No city is in the “red” category.

In mid-February, Iran’s National Taskforce Against the Coronavirus announced the eighth wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, which was driven by sub-strains of the Omicron variant.

The virus showed face in Iran in early 2020. It has so far claimed more than 144,700 lives.

The country has successfully managed to contain the pandemic thanks to a widespread vaccination campaign and the people observing health protocols during the climax of the deadly disease.

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