Two animated movies by Iranian directors are expected to be screened in two festivals in Italy and Russia.
The movie “Bogeyman” co-directed by Kiyanoush Abedi and Nima Majlesi and the movie “Bystander” directed by Sheyda Kashi have opened their way into Italian and Russian film festivals, respectively.
“Bogyman” is to be screened in the 17th round of Reggio Film Festival in Italy and “Bystander” will compete in Vladimir Film Festival in Russia.
Bogeyman, which is part of an animated series, revolves around the lives of three bogymen living in the mirrors in the house of an old man, a report by Mehr News Agency said.
Reggio Film Festival is going to be held from November 10 to 19. Bogyman has been picked up as one of the main contenders of the festival out of 1,665 applicants.
Vladimir Festival is also slated for October 20 to 24. The festival will screen the Iranian film Bystander, which is about an old man who is closely watching a popular revolution underway in his country.
The production team of the Bystander includes Salomeh Golnaraqi as the background designer, Bita Aliabadi as the character and poster designer, Sheyda Kashi as the film producer, Shahryar Beiranvand as the animator, and Nima Javidi as the sound mixer.
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