Media Wire

Israel turned Gaza Strip into “hell on earth”: UN official

United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Martin Griffiths, has stated that the Israeli bombing of the Gaza Strip since October last year has turned the besieged enclave into a hell on earth.

Griffiths added in a statement on Monday that delivering humanitarian aid to the residents of the Gaza Strip who are on the brink of famine is almost impossible, noting that civilians and infrastructure in the Gaza Strip have been subjected to excessive damage and that there is politicization of aid amid the spread of hunger and disease.

He pointed out that humanitarian and United Nations workers in Gaza were killed in unreasonable numbers.

The United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs explained that weapons continued to flow into Israel from the US and other countries despite the horrific impact of the war on civilians in Gaza.

Flouting a UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate cease-fire, Israel has faced international condemnation amid its continued brutal offensive on Gaza since an Oct. 7, 2023 attack by Hamas.

More than 37,370 Palestinians have since been killed in Gaza, most of them women and children, and over 85,450 others injured, according to local health authorities.

Over eight months into the Israeli war, vast tracts of Gaza lie in ruins amid a crippling blockade of food, clean water and medicine.

IFP Media Wire

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